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Massachusetts Building Partnerships for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities and Older Adults Initiative

Report Abuse

There are several avenues you can take to report abuse in Massachusetts. Check out our full list of recommended contacts and support.


Our trainings are for persons with a disability, prosecutors and victim advocates, service providers, medical and court personnel, and others.

Peer Support Network

PSN addresses sexual violence against persons with disabilities through active collaboration with federal and state agencies, and other partner organizations.


Building Partnerships Initiative

BPI is a statewide Massachusetts initiative that, using a multidisciplinary approach, links law enforcement, adult protection and human services, medical personnel, public health, academia, victim services, persons with a disability, and others to address abuse, neglect and crimes committed against persons with a disability and older adults.

Building Partnerships Initative


A Multidisciplinary Approach


To provide protection, treatment and continuity of care for persons with a disability and older adults who are a victim of crime.


To ensure that crimes committed against persons with a disability and older adults are promptly reported and investigated.


To increase communication and cooperation between law enforcement and agencies providing services to persons with a disability and older adults.


To increase awareness of crimes committed against persons with a disability and older adults.


Recognize, Report, Respond

The R3 app, launched in August 2023 by the Disabled Persons Protection Commission, ASSET Lab at the University of Rhode Island, Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and the Department of Developmental Services was created to help adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and others better Recognize, Report, and Respond to abuse.

R3 App Logo